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Keysborough Garden Primary School

Welcome to St Brigid’s School in the bayside suburb of Mordialloc. 

I am extremely honoured to be the principal of St Brigid’s Primary School. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming, inclusive and faith filled learning community. Our school is a place of learning and discovery where students are encouraged to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes required to build a foundation for lifelong learning. Our contemporary learning practices are underpinned by the expectation that all students can achieve, be responsible for and manage their own learning in a supportive environment and gain personal benefit through a sense of challenge and success.

Our school community is vibrant and enthusiastic and we continue to develop partnerships with parents in order to provide a rewarding experience for our families. Our staff are dedicated to the social, emotional and academic growth of every student. 

We welcome your interest in our school and I hope our website provides you with an overview of St Brigid's and we invite you to contact us for a tour so you can discover more about us. 


Phil Anthony


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Onze visie

Om ervoor te zorgen dat elke student is uitgerust met de kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten die nodig zijn om te gedijen in een snel veranderende en wereldwijd verbonden wereld.

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Onze missie

Een hoogwaardig, ondersteunend en boeiend leerprogramma bieden dat de academische, sociale en emotionele capaciteit van elke student op onze school opbouwt.

We streven ernaar om levenslang lerenden te ontwikkelen die voor zichzelf, anderen en de gemeenschap om hen heen zorgen en actief bijdragen aan een duurzamere en vreedzamere wereld.

Our Story

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